Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Summer 2015 Card Making Party at Carol's

Hi ladies,

Sorry for taking so long to post the cards we made over 2 weeks ago.  I would like to start off by sending a big "Thank You" to Carol and Stex for hosting the party!  I think everyone had a wonderful time chatting, eating, drinking and making cards!  Below are the cards.  We should have taken a group  picture.  Oh well, may be next time!
Two Steps Stamping Lilac
Triple Time Stamping Red Mums
Masked Center Leaves
Embossed Birthday Background w/ Rose Stickers on Vellum

Below is a card I made using distressed stains on the poppies stamp to create a watercolor effect.  It turns out pretty nice, but it took quite a bit of time and a couple tries to get it right. Let me know if you want to try this in class.  Fall class starts on Monday September 14, 2015.  Enjoy the rest of Summer and see you all in September!

Spring 2024 - Gel Printing Workshop

Hello everyone, It was so nice to welcome all my new and returning students to my Spring one-day gel printing workshop. Below is a quick rec...