Thursday, August 13, 2020

Cards For Kindness Initiative

Hello everyone,

Hope you are doing well and staying safe.  As one of my favorite grocery clerks said "Every day seems like Ground Hogs day!".  It is so sad and so true.

It has been a while since my last post. So I decide to post some photos of the cards I sent to to support their "Cards For Kindness" global initiative. I am planning to make as many cards as I can to send in for this great cause! If you want to join, you can read all about the initiative in the link below.

Take care and be well.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Winter Card Making - March 23, 2020 (Make-up Class)

Hello everyone,

Hope you are all staying safe and doing well. Since we did not get a chance to finish our last class meeting for the Winter Session, I will be mailing you the materials for the cards shown below to make at home. Instructions will be sent to you separately via email, and I made sure that you will be able to complete the cards with the supplies that you have on hands. Please email me if you have any questions.

Take care and be safe.


Birthday Giraffe - Colored with Prismacolor
Sunshine Wishes - Herringbone Technique
Birthday Seahorse - Fancy Folding
Think of U - Embossed w/ Die Cuts

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Winter Card Making - March 9, 2020

Hello everyone,

Hope you are all doing well. An email was forwarded to everyone in class earlier in the week, but I want to include it here anyway.  As a cautionary measure, the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District has decided to close all schools from March 13 to April 3, 2020. Thus, our last class meeting scheduled for March 23 will be canceled. At this time, the district is planning to reopen after Spring Break on April 6, 2020.  I will let you know as soon as I receive any additional information regarding this fluid situation.  Thank you for your patience.

Below are the cards we made in class this past Monday.  Please take care and stay safe.

Fun Fold Birthday Card scored at 1-7/8" & 4-7/8"
Stamped Airplane Colored with Watercolor Pencils
Embossed Vellum using Embossing Folder mounted on Two Different Color Card Stocks
Flamingo Serviette (cocktail napkin) Card

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Winter Card Making Class - February 24, 2020

Hello everyone,

Hope you are enjoying the nice weather we had this week.  Below are the cards we made from our last class.  It was probably not very wise of me to give the class too many choices.  Lesson learned.  See you all on Monday, March 9, 2020.

Take care,
Choice No. 1: Pink Birthday Lilies colored w/ Prismacolor pencils & sponged edges
Choice No. 2: White & Pale Green Easter Lilies colored w/ Prismacolor pencils & sponged edges
Dry Embossed Birds & Roses Panel accented w/ White ink & Pearl Perfect Powder
Heat Embossed Peacock Stamp w/ Judi Kins' Malachite Embossing Powder
Choice No. 1: Turtle Iris Folding w/ dragonfly papers
Choice No. 2: Turtle Iris Folding w/ light green papers

Monday, February 17, 2020

Winter Card Making - February 10, 2020

Hello everyone,

Hope you are enjoying the nice sunny weather we have.  Below are the cards we made at the last class.  Enjoy and see you on Monday February 24, 2020.
Take care,
Apply Alcohol Ink on Yupo Paper & Image Stamp w/ Alcohol Lift Ink Pad (2 sample cards to show variations)
Rub VersaMark Ink on top of Embossed Panel & Dust with Gold Perfect Pearls Powder
Punch White Panel w/ Border Punch & Punch Hearts for Four-Leaf Clovers
Double Fold Card Front - Stamp Ship & Color on Watercolor Paper
Stamp Sentiment on the Front of White Card Base

Stamp Another Sentiment on the Inside of White Card Base

Friday, January 31, 2020

Winter Card Making Class - January 27, 2020

Happy New Year everyone,

I want to welcome back my returning students as well as a couple of new faces.  Below are the cards we made this past Monday.  See you at the next class meeting on 2/10/2020.

Take care,
Cupcakes Colored w/ Prismacolor pencils & Embossed Background
Dragonfly Heat Embossed w/ Gold Emboss Powder & Speckled w/ Watercolor
Piano Stamped on Distress Stain Mixed Media Paper
Waterfall Valentine Card 1
Waterfall Valentine Card 2
Waterfall Valentine Card 3

Spring 2024 - Gel Printing Workshop

Hello everyone, It was so nice to welcome all my new and returning students to my Spring one-day gel printing workshop. Below is a quick rec...