Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day!

 Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.  I am anxiously waiting for things to get normalize and I can resume teaching my card making class again. 

Meanwhile, I have been busy hosting the monthly online Help A Hero Club's meeting with a small group of PV Peninsula High School's students making Iris Folding cards. We hope to raise more money from the sale of these cards to make donations to Operation Gratitude soon.  We were selling the cards at the PV Peninsula Library Shop, but the library has been closed and not sure when it will be open again. 

These cards are also available at the Aloha Bungalow located at 1799 S. Catalina Ave in Redondo Beach, CA 90277. The shop owner is a PVPHS alumna. So if you live in the South Bay area, please stop by to support this cool little small business and for the good cause.

On a happier note, two of my family members and one of my ex-coworkers are all expecting their first baby in late February, June and August. So, I have been busy making these baby items. More to come!

Ta ta for now! Take care,


Spring 2024 - Gel Printing Workshop

Hello everyone, It was so nice to welcome all my new and returning students to my Spring one-day gel printing workshop. Below is a quick rec...