Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Spring 2024 - Handmade Greeting Card Workshop

Hello everyone,

Thank you all for attending the one-day card making workshop today. I hope you enjoyed making the cards as much as I enjoyed creating them. Thank you Lee, Karen and Joan for bringing the goodies to class.

Below is a quick recap of the cards we made. See you all on May 15.

Take care,


Birds of Paradise Birthday: Use Tombow markers to color the birds of paradise stamp on white card panel. Adhere pattern and white papers on card panels as shown. Add orange gems and sentiment to finish card as shown.

Debossed Butterflies: Deboss white card panel with diamond embossing folder. Stamp floral swirls randomly on card panel with Pinecone Versafine Clair ink. Lightly swipe Antique Linen, Tumble Glass and Frayed Burlap Distress inks over the panel. Stamp butterflies and sentiment on another white card panel with Pinecone ink. Color butterflies with watercolor pencils and use waterbrush to blend. Die cut panel using scallop oval die. Add ribbon and assemble card as shown.

Embossed Floral: Lightly spray water onto white card panel. Spray yellow and orange Fireworks ink all over the wet card panel and dry well with heat gun. Stamp floral background with Versamark embossing ink and heat emboss with clear embossing powder. Sponge Mowed Lawn Distress ink all over panel. Wipe off any excess ink on top of the embossed image. Die cut panel and weave ribbon through slots and mount card panel onto white mat before adhering onto green card base. Add gems and sentiment as shown.

Iris Folding Kimono: Mount the back side of die cut ivory card panel onto the pattern provided. Fold all color & gold papers in half lengthwise. Tape down the color & gold papers with the folded edge toward the center following the instructions on the pattern.

Stencil Dragonflies: Place torn edge papers onto white card panel to mask off area. Place swirl stencil on top. Lightly sponge Lilac Posies & Grape Jelly Memento inks over stencil area. Remove stencil, but leave paper mask in place, sponge Lilac Posies ink over the open area. Remove paper mask and stamp draggonflies with Nocturne Versafine Clair ink over the ink area. Add pearls, ribbon and stamp sentiment before adhering to card base as shown.

Gorgeous Day Roses: Fold along the score lines and adhere the rose pattern papers on each section as shown. Stamp and die cut rose and leaves using Rose Bud, Lady Bug, Rhubarb Stalk and Bamboo Leaves Memento inks. Adhere rose, leaves, bow and sentiment to finish card as shown.

Spring 2024 - Gel Printing Workshop

Hello everyone, It was so nice to welcome all my new and returning students to my Spring one-day gel printing workshop. Below is a quick rec...