Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Other cards I've made recently

Hello everyone,
It was nice to have a few days off and stay home with the kids.  Also, I finally got some time to clean house.  Not something I look forward to, but it had to be done.  I had to let my previous cleaning lady go because my hubby think she caused more damage than good.  So, I'm still trying to make do by doing most of my cleaning myself with my kids helping out once in a while until I can find a reliable and wonderful person.  Does anyone have such a person in mind to share? ;o)
Anyway, that's enough of my mumbling.  On to the cards...  I had an order for 10 Valentine cards and I made a few more New Year cards for Chinese New Year to send to my families.  Enjoy!  Let me know if you have questions.

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