Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Handmade Greeting Card Workshop - November 1 & 4, 2023

Hello everyone,

Hope you are enjoying the Fall weather. Next Card Making class will be on November 15 (Wednesday's class) and November 18 (Saturday's class).

Below is a recap of the cards we made last week.

Take care,


Daisies Birthday: Stamp daisies with VersaMark clear ink on black card panel. Brush on gold, green and blue Perfect Pearl powders to color daisies. Lightly mist water over panel to set the powder. Add ribbon and sentiment to finish card as shown.

Angel Fish Iris Folding: Follow Iris pattern, starting with 1-pink, 2-yellow and 3-blue. Repeat the same color order to finish. Use double sided tape to mount finished Iris panel onto dark blue card panel before mounting onto white card base. Add sentiment sticker and black gem for eye to finish.

Butterflies Thank You: Place butterfly mask onto white card panel, brush green, blue and purple color in the opening for each butterfly. Move mask and repeat process for the rest of the butterflies. Lightly brush on blue ink on the panel background. Use black ink to stamp butterfly images onto colored butterfly backgrounds. Mount butterflies panel onto blue panel. Add ribbon and sentiment as shown to finish card as shown.

Fun Fold Flowers: Fold along score lines of card base and adhere embossed pattern card panels onto each folded section. Stamp flowers and sentiment, assemble panels together as shown.

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