Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November 15, 2010 Cards

Hello everyone and Happy Thanksgiving,

Sorry for the late post.  I was busy getting ready for the Holiday Crafts Fair on Saturday and busy putting everything back!  It was not as successful as I had hoped.  Of course, it didn't help that I got there late because of the rain.  So I didn't get the primo spot that Alice was trying so hard to keep.  Thank you Alice!  You're a pal! Lesson learned!

I don't think it would have matter anyway.  I was able to sell some stickers, a couple packs of papers and ONE of my handmade cards.  So, I took all my cards back to work and gave them to a friend who is having a get together with her friends for Thanksgiving.  She's been buying most of my cards to give to these same girl friends.  Hopefully, she'll be able to sell more cards than me! ;o)

Actually, it wasn't all that bad!  I had fun sharing the booth with my friend Kathy who sold some of her special handmade soaps and seeing some friends that I haven't seen for quite some time.  Thanks Barbara and Karla for stopping by!  You made it all worthwhile!

Of course, we also had family visiting with us on Sunday, my brother-in-law Chris, his wife Ines and their kids Evan and Samantha.  So it was a very busy weekend for me!  Ines also bought some of my cards.  Thank you Ines!  Hope she wasn't feeling pity for me! ;o)  Naah!

OK, enough of my whining!  On with the cards!

This card was made to stand up like an easel.  The front was made with some of the papers that I had for sale.  (Only $1 a pack of 10 if anyone wish to buy some!)  The edges were trimmed with the silver snowflake stickers (also for sale for $1/sheet).  Wow, I guess I haven't gotten rid of my selling mode yet!  The inside dark blue panel is trimmed with snowflake ribbon, placed on to a lighter blue panel that was punched with scallop border punch, and then pop up with foam tape.  Of course, we had to add the final touches by adding some blings to the center of each flower of the card front.
The butterfly card below was made by applying the butterfly stickers on to different color shimmering wrapping papers and cut out.  The butterflies are then taped on to the card with foam tape.  Add a silver blue ribbon and that's it!  Easy!
The teapot card is actually a gift card holder.  The base of the card front was stamped with clear VersaMark ink and colored by rubbing a cotton ball with some orange/coral pastel chalk on top.  The teapot and tea cup were rub-ons to the white panel glued on to the orange panel.  The card was taped only 3 sides leaving the top open to insert a gift card.
This reindeer card was made by stamping snowflakes along the side and bottom of the card front with brown ink.  I also sponged it with brown ink, but I'm not sure I like the sponge look.  The reindeer was simply taped on with some sticky tape.  Add a ribbon and it's done!

Well, that's all folks!  Ta ta for now!  Leave me a comment in the box below.  I changed the setting so you can just add a comment without having to register or set up an account.  Hope it works.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Holiday Crafts Fair at Curves in South Torrance: Saturday Nov. 20, 2010 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Hello ladies,

A quick post today to let you know about the upcoming Holiday Crafts Fair at Curves this Saturday, November 20th, 2010.  I will be there with my stickers, papers, stencils, etc... at a big discount along with a "Make-&-Take" greeting card.

If you like unique hand-made items, come browse for yourself or gift-giving!  Plenty of parking.
The fair is being held at:
Curves (Behind Walgreens on PCH and Anza)
24048 Vista Montana

Torrance, CA 90505


Saturday, November 20th, 2010

Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Admission is FREE!

So please take a little time come in and have a cup of tea on Curves.  Do your holiday shopping and contribute to the local artistans and vendors.  Hope to see you there!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 1, 2010 Card Class

Hello everyone,

Well, Halloween is now over and the holidays are just around the corner.  Can you believe the heat wave we're having?  Sorry we missed you Carol!  Hope you're feeling better!

As promised, here are the cards we made on Monday.   Enjoy!

This 1st card is made with different lengths of olive green rig-rags, some red and gold blings, and a gold star on top.  I forgot to take a photo of the inside.  It has a small envelope as a gift card holder.  The envelope was stamped with gold stars all over the front and simply glue in the middle.  Some ladies had the top fold rather than on the side.  I thought that was a better idea actually.

The orchid card is simply made with the gold Starform sticker colored with Twinkling H2O watercolors.  A gold and green ribbon is tape on the front flaps.
Some of the ladies want a birthday card for men.  So here it is.  The sails were made with my Sizzlits wide oval die, a large oval punch cut in half for the boat, and one corner of the star punch for the flag.

This card looks simple outside with a scallop circle punch, but scroll down to see what's inside.
 The balloons are tape on both side of the acetate strips and tape into the middle folds together.  The birthday strip was trim with scallop scissors and tape to the front flap.  I made a mistake and tape it to the back flap.  So, the ladies get to see my mistake.  Oops!

Here's a blue version of the flowers card that we made in the previous cards.  It's pretty no matter what color you use!
I have to admit that I get most of my inspirations and ideas from the magazine and internet.  Valita's fresh fold is one of the websites I love.  Until next time.

Spring 2024 - Gel Printing Workshop

Hello everyone, It was so nice to welcome all my new and returning students to my Spring one-day gel printing workshop. Below is a quick rec...