Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 14, 2012 - Card Making Class

Hello ladies,

This post is for our last class meeting for the Spring Session since next Monday is Memorial Day.  The Fall Session will start again in September.  I will post my schedule as soon as I have it.  Below are the 3 cards we made in class.

The first card is a flip open card measured 4-1/4" x 11", scored (folded) at 2-3/4" from both ends to meet in the center.  The top half of the green scallop frame is attached to the top side of yellow card base with foam tape while the bottom half of the inner white oval is attached to the bottom side of the yellow card base.  Adhere the floral swag sticker in the center of the oval and sponge edges with yellow chalk ink.  Adhere the yellow bow sticker onto the top of the green scallop frame as shown.  Add sticker sentiment on the inside and tie an olive green sheer ribbon on top to finish card.

 The Father's Day card below was made by first fold the origami Hawaiian shirt following the shirt pattern I gave out in class.  The folded shirt was adhered to the white die cut card and sponged with blue ink along the edges of the white die cut and the light blue card base.  Add the strip of blue pattern paper at the bottom of the card.  Stamp sentiment with blue ink on white card stock, punch out with EK Success label punch, sponge edges and adhere with foam tape to finish card.
This last card was made by first adhering 3 light blue panels onto a white panel.  Wrap the vellum strip around the assembled panel and tape onto light blue card.  Add sea shell stickers onto vellum as shown.  Add sentiment sticker at the bottom to finish card.
That's it for now.  I know Ellen, Carol and Barbara missed the last class. I have your class materials with me and will bring them to the next class unless I hear from you otherwise (Lesley has Ellen's materials).  Have a Great Summer!  Email me if you have any questions or if you miss me! ;o)

Friday, May 11, 2012

April 30, 2012 Card Making Class

Hello ladies,

Sorry for the late post.  My Grandfather passed away last Wednesday and the funeral service was held in Fresno last weekend.  So I was very tired after a long drive up and down to/from Fresno, but it was nice spending some time with families though.  Of course when I got back in town, I was off running around catching up with work and chores at home!

This Mother's Day card was made by sponging the edges of a beige card base with brown ink.  The scallop trim edges were taped in layers at the bottom half of card as shown.  The leaves were punched out using Martha Stewart's punch.  The leaves were then glued down a brown ink sponged white die cut panel before placing basket sticker on top.  The store bought flowers were glued down with small pearl added to the flower center.  A ribbon bow was also glued onto the basket with glue dot.  The panel was taped on with foam tape.  The sticker sentiment was added onto a punched out white card stock with brown sponged edges.

I started out making this anniversary card with a white card base.  However, when I started to gather the materials to put the kits for the class, I realized that I had a package of ivory cards and envelopes instead of white.  When I put them against the flowers and pattern vellum, it actually looked better than the white card base that I had made.  So that's what everyone in the class ended up using with gold ink instead of silver.  Thin double-sided tapes were added on the left and right edges of the pattern vellum paper to adhere to the ivory card base.  Six green leaves were punched out with the same Martha Stewart's punch as previous card along with five ivory flowers (wedding confetti flowers) glued down on each side of the vellum to hide the tape.  Stamp sentiment with gold ink on ivory card stock, punched out and edged with gold ink to finish edges.  Add ivory lace ribbon and tie in center with a simple knot.

This cute turtle card was made by sponging a beige card base with brown ink.  The turtle was die cut from the Cuttle Bug die and assembled together by me before class along with the die cut scallop circle.  The scallop circle was also sponged with brown ink before taping the turtle on with foam tape.  The green leaves pattern paper was glued onto the green card stock panel.  Add a strip of double-sided tape across the center before adding the clear mesh on top.  Wrap the ribbon around in the center of the green panel on top of where the tape was placed and tape the entire assembly down to the card base with double-sided tape.  Add the scallop circle with the turtle on top with foam tape.  Stamp sentiment on beige card stock with brown ink and punch out with Fiskar small scallop circle punch.  Sponge edges with brown ink and adhere to card with foam tape.  Faux silver brads were taped on each of the four corners to finish the card.

This butterfly card was made by taping white embossed poka dots card stock onto dark blue card base.  Punch blue and white card stock panels with Martha Stewart scallop border punch. Glue together to leave an 1/8" edge on top and bottom of blue card panel.  Punch butterflies out of 4 shades of blue card stocks using butterfly punch (EK Success punch?).  Stamp sentiment on white card stock with blue ink and punch out with 1" circle EK Success punch.  Punch out scallop from blue card stock using Fiskar small scallop circle punch.  Adhere together and add to card with foam tape.  Wrap sheer blue ribbon on top edge of card and tie with a simple knot to finish.

Well, that's it for now.  Time for me to get ready for our class on Monday which is the last class for the Spring Session.  We will then be on Summer break and the Fall session will begin in September.  I should be able to post the Fall schedule when I post the cards from this Monday's class.   Until then, enjoy!

Spring 2024 - Gel Printing Workshop

Hello everyone, It was so nice to welcome all my new and returning students to my Spring one-day gel printing workshop. Below is a quick rec...